dimarts, 29 de setembre del 2015


 61 x 45 cm

45 x 61 cm

   45 x 61 cm

 23 x 30 cm

 23 x 30 cm

1 comentari:

    I am a tree by the river of time. The other shore lies not far away but it’s unreachable. I look at it through the distance of time, there are no details. It is mostly empty, a placeholder for a possible, unrealized future. I do not see grass. What would happen, I wonder, if I crossed this Rubicon as a seed, then, when I had the chance? What would happen to me? Now I can’t cross and I don’t want to. I stand firmly rooted on this shore just wondering lightly, peering casually through haze. My beloved is all I have. They are my roots.
